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About Me

As a full stack developer and entrepreneur with experience in marketing, artist management, event production, commercial acting and more, I'm uniquely equipped to help turn your project into a thriving business. Whether you need a dynamic website, a targeted marketing campaign, or a successful event, I have the skills and expertise to make it happen. Let me help you bring your vision to life and achieve your goals.

  • UX | UI
    Designing Web/App Interfaces
  • Web Development
    Web App Development
  • App Development
    Building Android/iOS with React Native
  • 2022 - Current
    Freelance Software Developer
  • January 2024 - Current
    BI Engineer at Ready Capital
  • April 2023 - October 2023
    Junior Software Developer at StoryFile Inc.
  • October 2022 - April 2023
    Software Developer at 100 Devs Agency
  • 2020 - 2023
    Founder at TravelBugs LLC
  • TripleTen (Current)
    Software Engineering
    Project Management
  • Harvard University (Current)
    CS50: Introduction to Computer Science
    CS50: Mobile App Development with React Native
  • San Diego State University
    B.A. in Business Administration | Marketing

My Services

Web Development

I offer custom web design services tailored to your specific needs. I can create visually appealing, user-friendly websites that are optimized for search engines and load quickly. From design concept to deployment, I'll work with you every step of the way to ensure your website reflects your brand and meets your goals.

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UX/UI Design

With my UX design services, I can help you create an intuitive and seamless user experience for your website or app. I'll conduct research to understand your users' needs and behaviors, and design interfaces that are easy to use and navigate. By focusing on user-centered design, I can help you improve customer satisfaction and drive conversions.

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App Development

I offer app design and development, emphasizing the development of engaging and intuitive interfaces. My focus is on crafting visually captivating designs that are finely tuned for diverse devices and platforms. Whether you're in need of a streamlined MVP or a multifaceted application, I collaborate closely with you to produce designs that not only elevate the user experience but also ignite user engagement.

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My Work

As you may have noticed, the images on the home page are actually links to some of my previous work. I take great pride in my ability to showcase my skills through actual projects, and I hope you find them interesting and inspiring.

Speaking of skills, I specialize in Full Stack development using the Mern Stack. I'm confident in my abilities to create beautiful, responsive, and intuitive web applications from the ground up, and I'm constantly learning and growing to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends.

In addition to my coding work, you'll also find links to some of my non-coding related projects on the home page. I enjoy exploring different mediums and techniques to express myself creatively, and I believe that this diverse background helps me approach development challenges from unique and innovative angles.

Thank you for taking the time to explore my page, and I hope that you have a better understanding of who I am and what I can offer. If you have any questions or would like to collaborate on a project, please don't hesitate to reach out.

I take great pride in showcasing my skills through actual projects, and I hope you find them interesting and inspiring. For the best viewing experience, I recommend checking out my portfolio on a computer. Thank you for visiting, and if you have any questions or would like to collaborate, please don't hesitate to reach out.


TravelBugs is a MERN stack app, still under construction, with a completed UI/UX that includes a Netflix-style scrolling feature. Users can be explorers, creators, and providers. Explorers complete local quests for rewards, creators design quests and earn money from completions, and providers offer rewards, boosting their business.

The Malibu Retreat

I overhauled operational and financial systems for a property management and events venue using Wix, as requested by the client. I built a full-stack website, automated processes with Wix and Zapier, reducing manual work and increasing efficiency. Using, I improved team productivity and led a marketing campaign that boosted wedding bookings by over 40%, significantly increasing revenue.

Edgewood Renewables

I designed and developed a website for Edgewood Renewables, a prominent player in the renewable biofuel diesel industry with over $200 million in assets. Through strategic optimization and enhancements, I achieved a remarkable increase in the website's traffic and engagement, boosting its volume by over 2000%.

Tell Me, Inge...

I collaborated with StoryFile Inc, a conversation AI company, to develop a VR/XR experience featuring an interactive conversation with a Holocaust survivor. As a Front-End developer, I helped enhance the user experience and resolve bugs before deployment. It was a privilege to be part of such a meaningful project.


My company TravelBugs is developing a Location-Based Questing App that Supports Local Businesses. Signup for our Newsletter to be notified when our app is launching!

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